今天在vmware server里装Ubuntu,遇到下面两个问题:
第一个,虚拟化技术没有启用:This host is VT-capable, but VT is not enabled.
This is usually due to a BIOS/firmware problem. Please:
(1) Verify the BIOS/firmware settings enable VT mode.
(2) Power-cycle the host, if the BIOS/firmware VT settings were changed at boot.
(3) Power-cycle the host, if you have not done so since installing VMware Workstation.
(4) Update host BIOS/firmware to the latest version.
The virtual machine you are attempting to restore is in 64-bit mode, but your host does not support 64-bit VMs.
Error encountered while trying to restore the state of group monitorLate from file "D:\GPD\GPDVM\Windows XP Professional x64 Edition-Snapshot3.vmsn".
VT,即Virtualization Technology,虚拟化技术,
启动时进入bios设置一下即可,我的是F2键进入bios,configration里面设置inter Virtualization Technology为enable。
第二个问题,CPU Speed 及 时间同步问题:VMware Server has measured your CPU speed to be 2660 MHz, but Windows reports that it is 2667 MHz. This may mean that your computer has a power-saving feature that varies the processor speed. As a result, the clock in your virtual machine may run too fast or too slow. For a workaround, please refer to the VMware knowledge base article at: http://vmware.com/info?id=97