public function UpdateObjectFromArray($aValues)
foreach($aValues as $sAttCode => $value)
$oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef(get_class($this), $sAttCode);
if ($oAttDef->IsLinkSet() && $oAttDef->IsIndirect())
$aLinks = $value;
$sLinkedClass = $oAttDef->GetLinkedClass();
$sExtKeyToRemote = $oAttDef->GetExtKeyToRemote();
$sExtKeyToMe = $oAttDef->GetExtKeyToMe();
$oLinkedSet = DBObjectSet::FromScratch($sLinkedClass);
if (is_array($aLinks))
foreach($aLinks as $id => $aData)
if (is_numeric($id))
if ($id < 0)
// New link to be created, the opposite of the id (-$id) is the ID of the remote object
$oLink = MetaModel::NewObject($sLinkedClass);
$oLink->Set($sExtKeyToRemote, -$id);
$oLink->Set($sExtKeyToMe, $this->GetKey());
// Existing link, potentially to be updated...
$oLink = MetaModel::GetObject($sLinkedClass, $id);
// Now populate the attributes
foreach($aData as $sName => $value)
if (MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($sLinkedClass, $sName))
$oLinkAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sLinkedClass, $sName);
if ($oLinkAttDef->IsWritable())
$oLink->Set($sName, $value);
$this->Set($sAttCode, $oLinkedSet);
elseif ($oAttDef->GetEditClass() == 'Document')
// There should be an uploaded file with the named attr_<attCode>
$oDocument = $value['fcontents'];
if (!$oDocument->IsEmpty())
// A new file has been uploaded
$this->Set($sAttCode, $oDocument);
elseif ($oAttDef->GetEditClass() == 'One Way Password')
// Check if the password was typed/changed
$aPwdData = $value;
if (!is_null($aPwdData) && $aPwdData['changed'])
// The password has been changed or set
$this->Set($sAttCode, $aPwdData['value']);
elseif ($oAttDef->GetEditClass() == 'Duration')
$aDurationData = $value;
if (!is_array($aDurationData)) continue;
$iValue = (((24*$aDurationData['d'])+$aDurationData['h'])*60 +$aDurationData['m'])*60 + $aDurationData['s'];
$this->Set($sAttCode, $iValue);
$previousValue = $this->Get($sAttCode);
if ($previousValue !== $iValue)
$this->Set($sAttCode, $iValue);
else if (($oAttDef->GetEditClass() == 'LinkedSet') && !$oAttDef->IsIndirect() &&
(($oAttDef->GetEditMode() == LINKSET_EDITMODE_INPLACE) || ($oAttDef->GetEditMode() == LINKSET_EDITMODE_ADDREMOVE)))
$oLinkset = $this->Get($sAttCode);
$sLinkedClass = $oLinkset->GetClass();
$aObjSet = array();
$bModified = false;
while($oLink = $oLinkset->Fetch())
if (in_array($oLink->GetKey(), $value['to_be_deleted']))
// The link is to be deleted, don't copy it in the array
$bModified = true;
if (!array_key_exists('to_be_removed', $value) || !in_array($oLink->GetKey(), $value['to_be_removed']))
$aObjSet[] = $oLink;
if (array_key_exists('to_be_created', $value) && (count($value['to_be_created']) > 0))
// Now handle the links to be created
foreach($value['to_be_created'] as $aData)
$sSubClass = $aData['class'];
if ( ($sLinkedClass == $sSubClass) || (is_subclass_of($sSubClass, $sLinkedClass)) )
$aObjData = $aData['data'];
$oLink = new $sSubClass;
$aObjSet[] = $oLink;
$bModified = true;
if (array_key_exists('to_be_added', $value) && (count($value['to_be_added']) > 0))
// Now handle the links to be added by making the remote object point to self
foreach($value['to_be_added'] as $iObjKey)
$oLink = MetaModel::GetObject($sLinkedClass, $iObjKey, false);
if ($oLink)
$aObjSet[] = $oLink;
$bModified = true;
if (array_key_exists('to_be_removed', $value) && (count($value['to_be_removed']) > 0))
// Now handle the links to be removed by making the remote object point to nothing
// Keep them in the set (modified), DBWriteLinks will handle them
foreach($value['to_be_removed'] as $iObjKey)
$oLink = MetaModel::GetObject($sLinkedClass, $iObjKey, false);
if ($oLink)
$sExtKeyToMe = $oAttDef->GetExtKeyToMe();
$oLink->Set($sExtKeyToMe, null);
$aObjSet[] = $oLink;
$bModified = true;
if ($bModified)
$oNewSet = DBObjectSet::FromArray($oLinkset->GetClass(), $aObjSet);
$this->Set($sAttCode, $oNewSet);
if (!is_null($value))
$aAttributes[$sAttCode] = trim($value);
$previousValue = $this->Get($sAttCode);
if ($previousValue !== $aAttributes[$sAttCode])
$this->Set($sAttCode, $aAttributes[$sAttCode]);