where bcg_size_x and bcg_size_y is approximately the covering size in reality of the image used, divided by the scale of the map made.
The two bcg_offset_x and bcg_offset_y is to position the background at its proper location in the same way. The middle of the image
is positioned at an offset measured from the SCS ORIGIN point to the point you want your background located divided by the scale.
I've made a lot of Map Editor backgrounds and registered them to be positioned at the proper location. BUT, there's one more important
thing to consider, the background image you want to use MUST be in the correct map projection, which is specified by SCS to be
Lambert Conic Conformal one. This is especially important the further away from the map ORIGIN you are positioned! Which area
are you trying to cover?
From: https://roextended.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1807