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[其他] 在欧卡里收听BBC电台

知行 发表于 2023-2-10 08:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Sometimes The Auto DJ on Truckers FM can lack a little personality, so If you're finding your in game radio has an annoying message instead of your favourite BBC radio stations here's a link to a site with working URL's

https://gist.github.com/bpsib/67089b959 ... -radio-m3u

To replace them; Follow the below...
Copy the (for example) " http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_one " from the github address
Go to "C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2"
Open "live_streams.SII"
And edit the Relevant station, in this case Radio 1,
From "http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio1_mf_p|BBC Radio 1|Top 40|EN|128|1"
To "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_one|BBC Radio 1|Top 40|EN|128|1"
DO NOT change the other details, unless you are sure what you're doing. see the README.rtf in the same folder for more details
I hope this helps someone apart from me!!

From: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=297816

 楼主| 知行 发表于 2023-2-10 08:37 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 知行 发表于 2023-2-11 13:20 | 显示全部楼层

live_stream_def : .live_stream {
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_one|BBC Radio 1 - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_1xtra|BBC Radio 1xtra - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_two|BBC Radio 2 - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_three|BBC Radio 3 - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_fourfm|BBC Radio 4 - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_four_extra|BBC Radio 4xtra - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_five_live_online_nonuk|BBC Radio 5 Live - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_radio_five_live_sports_extra|BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_6music|BBC Radio 6 Music - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_asian_network|BBC Radio Asian Network - UK|Sim radio|EN|128|0"
 stream_data[]: "http://stream.live.vc.bbcmedia.co.uk/bbc_world_service|BBC World Service|Sim radio|EN|128|0"


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