There several files types you will encounter:
- .MP3: You're probably familiar with this commonly used music file format. It is also used for basic live radio streams. This is the native file type which will work in-game.
- .AAC or MP4A: One of the two main file formats used for live radio streams but will not work with the game's radio. These are the codecs used in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). There is a workaround that will allow you to use this file type in-game.
- .M3U or M3U8: This is multimedia playlist format that forms the basis of HLS and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). They can be single or multi entry and each entry will point to a stream. The file is written in plain text and can be opened with notepad++ or notepad. The 8 suffix denotes that the file is encoded in UTF-8; files encoded this way may also include directives and comments prefaced by a hash/pound (#) such as track information.